mercredi, 12 Avr 2023
WHPA report documents impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health professionals worldwide

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World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) report, What the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed: the findings of five global health workforce professions, is the first assessment of its kind to combine the perspectives of five professional associations of health workers with the standardised measurement and reporting framework developed by WHO to assess the multidimensional impact of COVID-19 on health and care workers. 

The report emphasises the need for mental health and psychosocial support for health professionals, during and after pandemics and emergency situations. Properly responding to this need means providing timely access to care for individuals in need, but also organisational interventions that reduce risk factors, such as improving working conditions and respecting health professionals’ rights.The report also highlights the need for health professionals to participate in national planning, and policy and finance decision making, which can ensure that on-the-ground expertise informs decisions and ultimately benefits both patients and health systems.

The report is the latest edition in the WHO’s Human Resources for Health Observer Series.

WHPA member organisations:FDI World Dental Federation (FDI)International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)International Council of Nurses (ICN)World Physiotherapy World Medical Association (WMA)